Statue of Emperor Trajan, Rome, Italy.


Reign 28 January 98 to the 9th of August 117  (19 years, 193 days)
Full name Marcus Ulpius Trajanus (from birth to adoption)
Caesar Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajanus (from adoption to accession)
Imperator Caesar Divi Nervae filius Nerva Trajanus Optimus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus Parthicus (as emperor)
He was born on the 18th of September 53 at Italica, in ancient Hispania
He died on the 9th of August 117 (aged 63) at Selinus, Cilicia
Buried Rome (ashes in foot of Trajan's Column, now lost.)
Predecessor Nerva, Successor Hadrian

Statue of Emperor Trajan, Rome, Italy.

Statue of Emperor Trajan, Rome, Italy.

Statue of Emperor Trajan, Rome, Italy.